Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Introduction

    • Examining Joy & Happiness in Life

    • Five Fun Things

    • The Abundance in Life Wheel

    • Raising Your Vibration

    • Root Chakra

    • Action Sheet

    • Module Resources

  2. 2
    • Introduction

    • Transmuting Desperation to Desire

    • Realizing Negative Energy

    • Your Mother and Father

    • Forgiveness

    • Ho'oponopono

    • Sacral Chakra

    • Worksheet for Love Lesson 2

  3. 3
    • Introduction

    • Removing Emotional Barriers

    • Cutting the Energetic Cords: Bridge Visualization

    • Cutting the Energetic Cords: Angelic Visualization

    • Affirmations

    • Preparation

    • Solar Plexus Chakra

    • Worksheet for Love Lesson 3

  4. 4
    • Introduction

    • Envision Your Soulmate

    • A Letter to Your Soulmate

    • Create a Vision Board

    • Be a Magnet

    • Heart Chakra

    • Worksheet for Love Lesson 4

  5. 5
    • Introduction

    • Seven Spirals Love Mandala

    • Creating a Sacred Love Altar

    • Emotional Healing in Present

    • Taking Inspired Action

    • Root Chakra

    • Worksheet for Love Lesson 5

  6. 6
    • Introduction

    • Inspired Action

    • Take Action

    • Clear Intentions

    • The Rules

    • Third Eye - The Brow Chakra

  7. 7
    • Introduction

    • A Challenge for you to Connect with Music

    • The Road to Love

    • Crown Chakra

    • Worksheet for Love Lesson 7

  8. 8
    • Romancing the Numbers

    • The Secret to a Happy Closet

  9. 9
    • Live Calls

    • How to Maximize your PowerHouse Feng Shui Experience with Patricia and Tommy